Monday, September 22, 2014

Blogging begins

I am not really sure why I finally decided it was time to start my blog.... But I will place blame on the awesome name Nashville Socialite that had not already been taken on every social media site. I honestly think it was just waiting for me. My sister bought me Blogging for Dummies when we were in School in Auburn, AL. I still have not opened that book. It sits right beside my How to Run a Record label, Everything you need to know about Publicity, The Musicians handbook, and of course Everything they Never told you about the Music Business. I may or may not have read any of these books, I can't remember. But long story short here is my Blog, Nashville Socialite.

To make it clear from the start a Socialite is defined as: 
  1. a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment.
    ---or---as Wikipedia the book of truths and all information-is a person who has a reputation in society for spending a significant amount of time participating in social activities such as parties and other fashionable events, entertaining guests and being entertained by others of similar standing.If you know me and are reading this that had to be you ah ha moment, now it makes sense. If you are new to following I promise it will make sense soon. This blog is going to be my diary of moments, events, parties, and everything social in my life. 
    Let the Journey begin!